January seems to be a month of reflection, and when February comes,
it feels like a month of hope.
Hope that spring is coming,
hope that springs up in my heart like a song.
A quiet, simple, effortless song that starts somewhere deep within with a single glorious note. At first it comes slow like the first drops of rain, but soon it’s like this rushing river curving along the edges of my spirit, smoothing out rough winter places in me that have become as hard as stone.
I’m thankful for this song, thankful that the old has passed and a new year has begun, where new verses will be added as snow and ice melt away. Knowing somewhere beneath the surface of the earth, there is life that has been sleeping, waiting to push its way up through the ground to feel the warmth of the sun shining on it fresh and new.
Hope feels so right, so true, so soothing. . .
And to me it feels. . .
just like a song!
Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
- Psalm 96:1