Saturday, November 2, 2013

Art in My Heart

I am totally new to the blogging scene, but have always had art in my heart.

Actually, we all do!

Because we are HIS art.

The Creative God who formed us in our mother’s wombs and knew us long before we took our very first breath. The God who has plans for us and loves us with an everlasting love. This God who wants us to know Him intimately and be with Him forever and ever and ever…  Amazing!

The beauty that He has created in this world is breathtaking. From purple-mountain-majesty, to still waters that reflect whatever is over them like glass, to the tiniest details in the most delicate flowers. It was all made by His hands. All for us.

That blows me away when I really stop and think about it. Just the thought of HIM can overwhelm me at times and bring me to my knees in worship.

And the fact that He wants to be with ME? Little me? Made from the dust me?

But He does. There is no doubt He does.

I know, because He sent His one and only Son to be the sacrifice for my sin. And not just for mine, but for the sin of the whole world. ALL who will believe can be called a child of God. ALL!

THAT is Amazing Grace friends!!

I am so grateful! How can words possibly describe this gratitude?! They can’t.

But God knows my heart. He made my heart. He put His art in my heart and wants to use it all for His glory.

So I will trust and obey and every day of my life I will try to reflect His glory back to Him.

Almost a year ago my husband gave me a camera for Christmas. Not a hugely expensive camera, but a simple digital, point and click camera that I soon fell in love with. I had no idea at the time, the joy that I would find in capturing bits of beauty, and reflections of His glory. Just to hold a moment in time with an image and reflect on the absolute creative beauty of God fills my heart. It is all His art and I hope to capture bits of it and share it for the rest of my life.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.

- Psalm 19:1-2

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